Google Ads (Adwords) Are Changing

Google Adwords started as text ads in 2000. They were always effective but never really easy to set up. They have actually gotten more complex to set up as Google continues to modify how they are viewed. The trick with Google Ads is knowing how to set them up to […]

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Asbury Park Press Digital Attack Article on 1/23/19

I own an established web design company in Ocean County for the last 25 years. We have added a data center to house our own servers and established ourselves in the internet marketing workplace. We have a rich background in this area. NetCetra, LLC has completed thousands of web site […]

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The Current State of Web Sites

Interestingly enough, in the 24 years that I have been designing web sites as well as marketing and hosting them, they have gone through many changes. The one aspect that has not really changed in all this time is the complexity in designing a web site. We see the ads […]

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Net Neutrality – Will it Cost Us More on the Internet?

Net Neutrality is about to change. Under the Obama administration, Net Neutrality meant that everyone delivered data at the same rate of speed. Now making companies like Verizon, Comcast and AT&T “common carriers”, they will be able to throttle the speed of any site that want to. Companies like Netflix […]

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National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Based on our support logs from clients regarding their email and web site access support requests, every month should be Nation Cyber Security Awareness Month. Some folks still don’t understand that you cannot use simple passwords anymore. Most good programs will not allow you to do that. They are now […]

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