Email Marketing, Killing the Golden Goose

How easy! How cheap! Send out 3000 emails for the cost of the ESP (email service provider) monthly fee. Most of the time it is a great deal cost wise and the templates help you set up the email so it looks professional. The problem is how often do you […]

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Net Neutrality – Will it Cost Us More on the Internet?

Net Neutrality is about to change. Under the Obama administration, Net Neutrality meant that everyone delivered data at the same rate of speed. Now making companies like Verizon, Comcast and AT&T “common carriers”, they will be able to throttle the speed of any site that want to. Companies like Netflix […]

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You Tube Is It for Your Business

I get this question asked quite a bit. The answer to this question has changed over the years. I use to say that it depended on the type of business. Now I cannot think of any business that would not prosper from using a You Tube channel to increase their […]

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Big Data

Here it comes and you don’t even know what it is or what it is doing to you and your internet habits. Big Data is the culmination of all your movements on the internet. Congress gave companies permission to track and sell this information to any customer that can afford […]

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